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Adult and Puppy Classes are held both indoors and outdoors and will go ahead in all typical weather conditions. Exceptional weather will however be considered, and an assessment will be made on the day to confirm attendance or a reschedule of the class. In the last instance, an alternative date will be given.


Upon enrolment of the course you will be added to a WhatsApp group which will be used for general communication, and to pass on any relevant course information, as well as answering any questions outside of the class.

Homework is given after each class,
so a keen approach is essential so that you get the most from the course and your dog. Occasional videos highlighting techniques and training will also be provided to owners via the WhatsApp group.
A certificate will be presented at the end of the course to owners who have completed all the classes.

Training is structural and focuses on a broad spectrum of some of the essential elements required within dog ownership.

Listed below are some of these:


  • Equipment and legal requirements

  • Jumping up at people and tabletops

  • Environmental familiarisation

  • Food scavenging and avoidance

  • Walking on the lead

  • Socialising with other dogs

  • Nipping and biting

  • Recall, sit and stay

  • Ball, tugs and food rewards

  • Diet and Treats




Terms and Conditions


Health and Safety

Owners or designated handlers are required to have full control of their dogs throughout the duration of the course. All classes require the owner or handler to be physically capable of walking with their dog in the presence of other dogs, standing stationary for periods of time, and physically interacting with their dog for the duration of the class. Please consider this at the time of booking.


Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times, except where specifically instructed. Owners are responsible for the conduct of their dogs at all times.

Dogs must have a suitable temperament for classes. Dogs that are aggressive, physically reactive, or show any form of anti-social behaviour towards other dogs or people, will not be suitable for this particular course. If upon commencement of a course, a dog is deemed to be unsuitable, then they will be withdrawn from the class and will be given alternative arrangements in regard to training.


Class Booking and Refunds
Payment is required in full and in advance of the class to confirm course placement. Booking cancellations require a minimum of 5 working days’ notice prior to the course start date in order to receive a refund. No refunds or alternative dates will be offered for non-attendance on any paid course. Exceptional circumstances may be considered entirely at the discretion of Recall Dog Training.

Behaviour and Welfare
Water sprays, shock collars, smacking or outdated dominant actions are not used or permitted during any part of training.

Though, just as we would a child, if a dog runs off towards a road, goes to eat something off the ground, or heads off towards any potential danger, we will use the word No, and correct the dog accordingly.
Boundaries for dogs are an essential part of ownership, and to not use them could prove detrimental to the welfare of your dog and others.

Additionally, no halti, easy leader, head collar, or other device designed to impair a dogs natural walking ability are used during the course.

Dog Classess, Puppy classes

Puppy Social and Obedience Classes
Pups are welcome to attend following the second vaccinations. We teach social interaction with other dogs and people. How to interact with and reward your dog, as well as walking on the leash, and recall and obedience.

Dog Social and Obedience Classes
We teach social interaction with other dogs and people. How to interact and reward
your dog as well as walking on the
leash recall and obedience.

puppy class
scentwork, nosework, detection

Scentwork Training
Teach your dog how to find a scent. Work shops will provide knowledge and techniques similar to those used by numerous military units for working dogs.

Personal Protection Training
If you have a suitable breed of dog then we can train your dog to give you
and your family's safety of
mind and protection.
Dogs need to be of a sound temperament with the right drives
to be considered for training.

bitework,  k9 protection training
recall dog training

© 2020 Recall Dog Training


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